Dear Customer:
quick charge technology through a long time developed is more mature, so to speak. In battery technology cannot achieve a breakthrough today, quick charging technology can be said to be the best and the most reasonable range of solutions. As the core competitiveness of the user experience is becoming a mobile phone, there will be more smart phones use the technology in future.
Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 technology is Quick at 1.0 upgrade version, adopted the new specification. Through the ways to improve charging speed at the same time increase the current and voltage. In order to prevent increase the damage to the battery voltage, the Quick Charge 2.0 joined the special chip. And in order to avoid the old version of mobile phone in charge is too much current burning, also joined the special judge switch IC.
QC2.0 quick charge technology, qualcomm for high-speed charging scheme by the United States, by raising the voltage of fast charging equipment, solve the traditional charging time too long.
Batitan Electronic Co., Ltd